More than a place, it’s a people.

At Stateline Church, it is our genuine hope that you not only connect with Jesus but with one another. The church can offer a distinctive value over the world that is very powerful. The church is the center of meaningful connections with both God and each other.

What to expect at Stateline

When we engage in meaningful connections, something powerful happens: we learn, grow, mature, believe, and come alive. So regardless of where we find ourselves on our spiritual journey, God wants to work in all of our lives to empower us to become who He called us to be. At Stateline Church, we are committed to being a community that learns, laughs, loves, grows, and serves together as we look to Jesus for our help and hope.

Welcoming Environment

No matter who you are or where you have come from, your story matters at Stateline. Trust us, the roof won’t cave in and lightning won’t strike when you walk into Stateline Church. Everyone is welcome and there are not any perfect people allowed! From the parking lot to the lobby, in the kid’s room or the auditorium, you will find a ton of friendly people that are genuinely glad you are here and want to welcome you.

Authentic Worship
It has been said that whatever has our focus…has our worship. The truth is there are a lot of things competing for our attention every day. At Stateline Church, we believe that God alone is worthy of our praise and worship. We intentionally set aside a time of musical worship each week to focus on Jesus and all He has done so that our minds, hearts, and souls are satisfied in His love.
We take Jesus seriously. Ourselves? Not so much. We put a lot of thought and creativity into each week so it is a place you want to be a part of.
Applicable Bible Teaching
We believe that the truth is God’s words to us and it changes lives. It is alive, significant, practical, and full of application for our lives. We teach the Bible to people because it is God’s story that intersects with our story. It gives us hope, faith, and application to navigate life. It teaches us that God can rewrite or renew stories to bring life and hope to them right where we are at.

Our Team

Our team is full of dedicated people committed to connecting people with Jesus and one another. Stop by and say hi!