Who can you show love to these next 7 days?

We all could use a little love! Why? Because love changes lives! Let’s be a part of spreading love to our Stateline community this May 26 – June 1.

Over the next 7 days we will find ways to show Acts of Love (AOLs) to those in our neighborhoods, schools, work places and more!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Determine the number of Acts of Love (AOLs) you’re committing to for Love Your Stateline week.
  2. Share your number of AOLs with us by registering online!
  3. Join us on Thursday, May 30th for Meal Packing with Kids Around the World or serve at the Rockford Rescue Mission on Saturday, June 1st. Register for one or both using the same form linked below!

Acts of Love for Kids and Students

For School
  • Holding the classroom door open for classmates
  • Allowing a friend to go first
  • Asking another student if they need help with their homework
  • Waving to a classmate
  • Offering to help a classmate with a project
  • Leaving a note of appreciation for a janitor or custodian
  • Giving a treat for your bus driver
  • Sharing crayons, colored pencils and other classroom resources
  • Offering another student a hug when they are sad
  • Offering to help a teacher with a project
  • Creating a thank you gift for a teacher
  • Shelving books that have been returned to the school library
  • Gathering assignments for a friend who is absent
  • Inviting someone to sit with you
  • Gathering balls and other equipment near the end of gym class or recess
  • Donate toys or clothes to a children’s charity
  • Bake cookies or cupcakes for a local fire station or police department
For Neighbors
  • Help a neighbor with a task, such as raking leaves or spring cleaning
  • Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog
  • Offer to babysit for a family for no cost.
  • Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
For Community
  • Pick up a piece of trash in the parking lot
  • Make a card for a nursing home resident
  • Hold the door open for the person behind you at the store
  • Help an older person with their groceries
  • Create a thank you gift for a nurse or doctor
  • Donate gently used books they’ve already read to a local library
  • Leave a kind note for a coach or team leader
  • Leave a box of goodies in your mailbox for your mail carrier.
  • Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
  • Pick up trash when they spot it in a parking lot or at the park
  • Leave a kind note on a park bench for a stranger to find it
For Family
  • Leave a note of encouragement for a friend or family member
  • Teach an older relative or neighbor how to use a device
  • Create a flower craft for a grandparent and deliver just because
  • Give a compliment to someone
  • Offer to help a family member with a task they have been struggling with
  • Offer to help a family member clean their house
  • Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
  • Help a younger sibling with their homework

Acts of Love for All Ages

For Community
  • Pay it Backward: buy coffee for the person behind you in line.
  • Compliment the first three people you talk to today.
  • Donate old towels or blankets to an animal shelter.
  • Let someone go in front of you in line who only has a few items.
  • Leave quarters at the laundromat.
  • Smile at five strangers.
  • Send a ‘Thank you’ card or note to the officers at your local police or fire station.
  • Email or write to a former teacher who made a difference in your life.
For Neighbors
  • Surprise a neighbor with freshly baked cookies or treats!
  • Know parents who could use a night out? Offer to babysit for free.
  • Have a clean up party in your neighborhood.
  • Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
  • Put your phone away while in the company of others.
  • Invite neighbors over for dinner.
For Family
  • Send a positive text message to five different people right now.
  • Throw a party to celebrate someone just for being who they are, which is awesome.
  • Set an alarm on your phone to go off at three different times during the day. In those moments, do something kind for someone else.
  • Put 50 paper hearts in a box. On each cutout write something that is special about your family members. Share a meal and the paper heart compliments.
  • Write your spouse or significant other a list of things you love about them.
  • Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
  • Run an errand for a family member who is busy.
  • Put your phone away while in the company of others.
  • Have a family bonding night.
  • Leave a kind note in a family members lunch or even their room
For Workplaces
  • Send a gratitude email to a coworker who deserves more recognition.
  • Everyone is important. Learn the names of your office security guard, the person at the front desk and other people you see every day. Greet them by name. Also say “hello” to strangers and smile.
  • These acts of love are so easy, and they almost always make people smile.
  • Ask a co-worker how they are doing and follow up with them.
  • Bring a treat or lunch for the office.
  • Compliment a co-worker’s strength they bring to the team.

As a part of the Love Your Stateline week, we have two events where you can register or invite a friend to join you!

Packing Meals – Kids Around the World

Thursday, May 30 // 6:00 – 8:00 pm

1 in 7 kids in the world suffers from the effects of food insecurity, living in a chronic state of malnutrition. Through Kids Around the World OneMeal program, they ensure that tens of thousands of impoverished kids have a warm, nutritious meal EACH DAY.

We are partnering with Kids Around the World to pack meals for children in the TBD. Grab your friends, and family and join us on May 30th for our 2-hour meal-packing shift.

Rockford Rescue Mission

Saturday, June 1 // 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Let’s Show Love to the Rockford Rescue Mission by helping with a variety of projects they need help with. The entire family is invited to join!